Beogradski sajam

About Beogradski sajam

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So far Beogradski sajam has created 3055 blog entries.

Quality and Aesthetic Experience at Belgrade Furniture Fair

The 57th International Fair of Furniture, Equipment and Interior Decoration is set to take place between 5 and 10 November 2019 in halls 1, 1A, 2, 3, 3A and 4 of Belgrade Fair, whilst the 57th International Fair of Woodworking Machinery, Tools & Production Materials is set to take place between 5 and 9 November in the hall 5 followed by more than 500 exhibitors from

2019-11-04T13:39:26+01:00November 4, 2019|Furniture Fair|

Media Market Officialy Open

The Media Market Information, Communication and Marketing fair has started and is currently hosting numerous famous media personalities, who are stars in their line of work, as well as thousands of visitors who either look up to them or who they find at least to some degree “interesting”.

2019-10-25T08:17:44+01:00October 24, 2019|Media Market|

Offical Opening of Energy, Ecology and iSEC Fair

The Fifteenth International Energy Fair, the 16th International Ecology and Environmental Fair – Ecofair and the 7th International Smart Technology Fair – iSEC officially opened its gates on Wednesday, 2 October 2019 in Hall 1 at Belgrade Fair. The opening of these events was attended by numerous government officials, businessmen, guests, exhibitors and visitors.

2019-10-04T11:58:07+01:00October 2, 2019|Eco Fair, Energy Fair, iSEC|

An Outstanding Professional Accompanying Energy, Ecology and iSEC Program

The core activity of expert accompanying program at this year’s Energy, Ecology and iSEC fairs is a three-day expert conference entitled “Chapter 27 – Where to Next” (the chapter referring to environmental protection during the course of the EU accession negotiation process)

2019-10-04T10:37:35+01:00October 1, 2019|Eco Fair, Energy Fair, iSEC|

PUC “City Sweeping”

The prevalent activity of PUC “STREET SWEEPING” Belgrade is removal of litter from public areas, removal of household rubbish, bulky waste, car wrecks, debris and their disposal, as well as removal and disposal of feces, maintenance of city landfill and collection of secondary raw materials.

2019-10-02T08:23:52+01:00September 30, 2019|Eco Fair|
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