The Dancing Excavator is an attraction of the 44th International Building Trade Fair and it attracts attention of serious contractors, investors, various experts in this branch, adult visitors, but also youngsters brought by their parents to the Fair to see how this “Slow Dancer” dances.

The excavator that costs 33 thousand Euros, in addition to dancing to entertain the audience, has got, of course, first of all, many useful functions – it excavates, loads, cleans snow, crushes asphalt, drills holes for plantlings and plants … It is manufactured by the Chinese Sanward company and a special driver from Brussels has been engaged to feature the dancing skills of this machine.

The visitors of the 44th International Building Trade Fair may see The Dancing Excavator daily, until the Fair closing on April 21, at 11.00 a. m., 1.00, 3.00 and 5.00 p. m.