The second day of the tribune program at the Belgrade Fair began at 1 pm with a tribune dedicated to Borislav Pekić.

On the topic “And who ate the locusts?” – Ninety years since the birth of Borislav Pekić ” talked Gojko Božović, Nebojša Bradić, Slobodan Vladušić and moderator was Vladan Bajčeta.

“Found in Translation”, Silvija Monros and Ana Ristović discussed “translation” and writers, language and everything that is “between the lines”.

The third forum “Periodization of Contemporary Serbian Literature” began with the topic of domestic literary production and what is, how much and why is it circulated. Gojko Bozovic and Igor Perisic participated.

The last tribune for this year was a conversation about half a millennium of the Šišatovac monastery. Natasa Polovina and Srdjan Orsic spoke.

Fans of books and literature could follow all the tribunes directly on the official Facebook page of the Belgrade Book Fair, and it will soon be available on the YouTube channel as well. Several thousand spectators were present and, although this is not and cannot be a substitute for an event such as the Book Fair, the real book lovers were given a two-day departure from the distance in which we live.