Belgrade Fair is The Place Seen by the Whole World, as declared symbolically through our slogan and it is not far from the truth. Since it is so, there are no reasons for it to be seen also by Belgrade inhabitants and Serbian capital guests, through a very specific presentation and cult city event – The Museum Night.

Belgrade Fair opens fully its gates for the first time for the Museum Night, in the year when it celebrates its 80th Birthday. The guests will be able to see the Fair in the night, in the artificial lighting, but also to breathe the scent of the river Sava. A wonderful time travel will be prepared for visitors, from 1937 to the present. In the Fair Head Office, for the first time opened in this way for the publics, two Exhibitions will be installed.

Photo Exhibition

One Exhibition consists of large format photos showing exciting events from the construction of this revolutionary modernistic ambient, through the glorious sport competitions, the first rock concerts, up to the graphic identity of contemporary and very recognizable fair events.

The visitors will be able to enjoy the photos preserving the unforgettable events from the European Basketball Championship 1961, when the first medal was won by Yugoslavia with the legendary Aca Nikolić and Radivoj Korać, through the reminder of the atmosphere of the first Guitar Show, the famous concert of Louis Armstrong, but also many other concerts of the great local and international music performers, from Bijelo Dugme and Riblja Čorba to the bands, such as Deep Purple and R.E.M.

The fascinating fashion shows should be remembered, as well, which affirmed our high fashion founders, such as Aleksandar Joksimović or Mirjana Marić.

The photos perpetuate also the highest ranking guests’ visits: Queen Marija with the Princes, President Tito, Che Guevara, Khrushchev, Giscard D’ Estaing, as well as many writers and poets as guests of the Book Fair, but also actors – od Milivoje Živanović, through Alain Delon to the contemporary great actors.

Art Collection

The other Exhibition consists of the paintings from Belgrade Fair Art Collection including the works of the most prominent Serbian modern art representatives. The Collection was established soon after the fair halls construction and it was growing to the present, under careful selection and sense for the contemporary art values.

The Fair will exhibit artworks of the most prominent fine arts representatives of the second half of the 20th century, the Academician Jovan Bijelić, Peđa Milisavljević, Petar Omčikus and Dušan Otašević, as well as the works of modern and post-modern painting art, from Miodrag Protić to Marija Dragojlović.

The guests will be fascinated also by Belgrade Fair halls. Some of them are the revolutionary architectural and construction accomplishment famous all over the world. The modern era understands the visitors will be able to make many selfies, as well, even next to the famous Titos “Fića”.

It is certain so far the visitors will enjoy the May freshness of the Fair park and the scent of the river at The Place Seen by the Whole World and everything else will be a surprise – as a part of the great magic of Belgrade Fair, lasting for 80 years.

We are used to welcoming many exhibitors and even more visitors from Serbia and the whole world and on this May 20, we are welcoming – just you. On this night nobody will exhibit, sell or buy at Belgrade Fair. This will be the night for education, memories and reminder of some “Good Old Times”, but also the events from the contemporary period, through the amusement and enjoying.