The hallmark of the Book Fair has always been children from the entire region, socializing and forming new friendships, books, and the smiles of the youngest visitors…

This year, the School Day at the International Book Fair was opened by Prof. Dr. Ivica Radović, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, who greeted all present students, teachers and visitors.

He emphasized that, as a university professor throughout his life, he is delighted to participate in the opening of one segment of this largest cultural event in the region, highlighting that the most significant dates on the Ministry’s calendar are indeed the days of the Book Fair and the Saint Sava celebration.

He invited everyone to visit the Ministry of Education’s stand, where an interesting program and educational promotion are taking place. He stressed that the educational process is one of the most important and complex aspects of any society, emphasizing the collective efforts of all participants in education in terms of promotion, as well as collaboration between teachers and students.

Science, culture, education, research, and creativity are the driving forces of society as a whole, and knowledge is the light that leads us into the future.

In this sense, books are a constant source of knowledge.

In the end, Prof. Dr. Ivica Radović quoted our greatest enlightener, Dositej Obradović, and with the words “Learn and you’ll see centuries ahead” he opened the School Day.