Media Market

Media Market Officialy Open

The Media Market Information, Communication and Marketing fair has started and is currently hosting numerous famous media personalities, who are stars in their line of work, as well as thousands of visitors who either look up to them or who they find at least to some degree “interesting”.

2019-10-25T08:17:44+02:00October 24, 2019|Media Market|

Program for Thursday: Media TV Scene Contents and Journalist Celebrities

On the second Media Market day, Thursday, October 26, media will feature at their stands, host many famous personalities, the journalists and editors will talk to the interested visitors and exchange with their colleagues professional opinions and discuss various topics and dilemmas.

2017-10-25T18:08:33+02:00October 25, 2017|Media Market|

AMG – Diverse Program, Discussions, Promotions

Adria Media Group participates in the Media Market this year, as well, where it will feature its company, editions and activities. They will host many famous personalities at their stand. Organize discussions to various topics and interactive workshops. Representatives of this media company will answer the audience questions and the journalists and Editors will participate also in many panel

2017-10-25T18:19:33+02:00October 25, 2017|Media Market|

Presentation of the Daily Newspaper Danas at the Media Market

Since Wednesday, October 25, at Belgrade fair, at the same time as the Book Fair, the Information, Communication and Marketing Fair, the third edition, is held, as well. Dan Graf will feature its editions – newspaper, portal and books and, as every year, the journalists and editors, as well as their guests will join the readers at the stand.

2017-10-23T19:08:04+02:00October 23, 2017|Media Market|
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