Septembar 10 – 11, 2025

The Commercial Vehicle Fair and Day of Serbian Transporters event is a meeting place for freight transport service providers with their commercial partners and transport service users. The exhibition of light and heavy good vehicles and trailer vehicles, complemented by exhibitors offering other goods and services related to transport, is a concept that has been present in Serbia for more than 20 years and is organized by the Association “Medjunarodni transport”.

The goal of the event is to showcase the most modern vehicles in the field of freight transport and related activities closely related to transport, as well as to provide Serbian transporters with the opportunity to socialize and exchange experiences in an informal setting. This is a unique opportunity for all providers of goods and services whose target group is freight transport companies to present their offer.

The organizer invites all interested exhibitors as well as all transport operators and transport enthusiasts to come and enjoy this extraordinary event.


Hall 1


10:00 – 19:00 h


Free entrance with registration.
Car parking costs 200 RSD per hour.


Poslovno udruženje prevoznika robe u međunarodnom drumskom saobraćaju „Međunarodni transport“

Aleksandar Spasić, coordinator/organizer
Predrag Josifović, collaborator
tel: +381 (0)11 3247 147