The book “Le Patriarche Paul de Serbie. Un saint de notre temps” (Patriarch Pavle of Serbia. The Saint of Our Times) of the author, Dr. Jean-Claude Larchet, was presented at the Book Fair. This is the first global book about Patriarch Pavle, published so far in French, Russian and Romanian languages. The book publisher is Official Gazette.

It was said at the promotion, Patriarch Pavle was featured in the book as the Saint of all Christians, respected all over the world, who had the same relation to the Serbs and all other nations he had contacts with. There are many anecdotes in the book showing how much Patriarch Pavle was a man from the people with the sense of humor and gentle to anyone. The Patriarch was widely educated and always reminded nobody should do anything to the others he would not like to be done to him.

His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Mr. Irinej spoke with a lot of piety at the promotion, as well, pointing out he met his predecessor several times and knew him very well. He was the man who ended his Monch’s life in the way he began it, ready to carry out any works, although he was a great intellectual man.